Hello Parents,
I wanted to write a quick note about the 3rd quarter report card for Social Studies. During 3rd quarter, the Social Studies department decided on three standards to assess (H&SS7-8:10, 15, and 17). We spent the majority of the quarter focusing on H&SS7-8:10 with our study of the events leading to the American Revolution and the war itself. There were a total of 5 assessments used for this standard. We then moved into the formation of government and the early struggles we experienced as a new country. This is where our student intern, Brady Murray, ran his unit. Due to the lateness in the quarter, we were only able to thoroughly cover the standard H&SS7-8:15 and barely touch upon standard H&SS7-8:17. In the report card, you will only see the two standards being reported on (H&SS7-8:10 and 15). We only had one assessment for the third standard which only covered two days of work. We did not think that this one assessment would be a fair to put on the report card as a true representation of your son/daughter's understanding of the standard. This standard does carry over into many aspects of the unit we are currently engaged in, "Struggles for Equality". Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
We are currently engaged in the unit on Struggles for Equality. This is taking a look at the various groups of people who have been part of our nation's history that have not had access to the rights guarenteed by our constitution. Slavery, civil rights movement, women's rights, Native American history, child labor all are topics included in this unit. The entire 7th and 8th grade are engaged in the same unit. We will hold a celebration of student work on the evening of Thursday, April 19th. This will allow students to show parents and community members the projects on this unit that they are currently working on. Your attendance would be greatly appreciated. Also, your help could be used with asking your son/daughter questions about what they are working on, adding information/discussion that you know on the topic, and most importantly helping your son/daughter meet the deadline for this project. Thank you.
Mr. Burton
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