The team blog for Milton Middle School's Team Cassiopeia. This blog provide parents with homework assignments, important dates, and other pertinent information.
Monday, April 30, 2012
The Week Ahead
In an effort to make sure that your student has all of their work
completed, we will be offering a work room during recess. Each day a
different content area and myself will be staying in to assist students
with their work. Students can also take advantage of Reads and Needs time
and homework clinic. Teachers are also may be available after school for
extra help. The goal is to have all students caught up on all of their
assignments so that last six weeks of school are successful.
Please talk to your student about their work completion. If your student
is behind, please work out a plan with your student get the work
completed. You can also reference Power School to check on assignments.
As an added incentive, those students who are caught up on their work by
Friday will get to enjoy a game of capture the flag, 7th grade vs. 8th
grade . If students are not finished their work at this time, there will
be a room where they can complete their assignments.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Team Cassiopeia
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Boston Meeting
Boston is fast approaching and we will be having a mandatory meeting on
Tuesday, May 15th at 6:00 p.m. At this meeting we will go over student
expectations and what each student needs to bring on the trip.
This Friday, May 4th, we will be having a dance from 6:45 to 9:00. We
hope that your student can attend. We are looking for students to bring
in baked good to sell at the dance.
On Saturday, May 5th, we will be having a car wash from 10:00 - 1:00 at
the Four Seasons across the road from the Middle School.
Remember that each student need to complete 3 fund raisers.
Unfortunately, we were not able to raise enough money to see Shear
Madness. So we will be going to the Institute for Contemporary Arts
Wednesday, May 24
7:00 leave Milton
11:00 arrive at Emerson
12:00 eat lunch on the Boston Commons
1:00 Museum of Science
5:15 Pizza at Emerson
7:00 IMAX Movie
8:30 Arrive back at dorms
Thursday, May 25
7:30 Breakfast
9:00 Small groups are exploring Boston
4:00 Dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe
5:30 Institute for Contemporary Arts
8:30 Arrive back at dorms
Friday, May 26
7:30 Breakfast
9:00 Pack Buses
9:30 Walk Freedom Trail
12:30 Boston Harbor Cruise
1:45 Head back to Milton
6:00 Arrive in Milton
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
RE: Struggle for Equality
I just spoke with Francine this morning. Evidently, Ryan just informed her
last night of the event.
Thank you for the reminder.
Duane Austin
Production Manager
(802) 316-1591 (cell)
(800) 628- 9938 (fax)
-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Smith []
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: Struggle for Equality
Hi Duane,
Ryan should have told you about the project. Each student is creating an
art project that highlights how different groups through out history have
over come adversity. Ryan is also required to also do an artist statement
and a research paper. Students will be presenting their work tomorrow
<> writes:
>Hi Joe,
> What is this? Is this a play or a chorus? Equality for whom? Aren't we
>equal and given the same opportunities?
>Duane Austin
>Production Manager
>(802) 316-1591 (cell)
>(800) 628- 9938 (fax)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Joseph Smith []
>Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 8:49 PM
>Cc: Tony Burton; Francine Lemnah; Joshua Roof; Janet Smith;
>Subject: Struggle for Equality
>Please join us on Thursday, April 19th
>as all 7th and 8th grade students
>present a night of visual, media, and performance art.
>Milton Middle School
>Equality Celebration
>6:00- 8:00 pm
>We encourage you to bring family and friends as our students are looking
>forward to sharing their hard work with the Milton community!
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original message.
Re: Struggle for Equality
Ryan should have told you about the project. Each student is creating an
art project that highlights how different groups through out history have
over come adversity. Ryan is also required to also do an artist statement
and a research paper. Students will be presenting their work tomorrow
<> writes:
>Hi Joe,
> What is this? Is this a play or a chorus? Equality for whom? Aren't we
>equal and given the same opportunities?
>Duane Austin
>Production Manager
>(802) 316-1591 (cell)
>(800) 628- 9938 (fax)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Joseph Smith []
>Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 8:49 PM
>Cc: Tony Burton; Francine Lemnah; Joshua Roof; Janet Smith;
>Subject: Struggle for Equality
>Please join us on Thursday, April 19th
>as all 7th and 8th grade students
>present a night of visual, media, and performance art.
>Milton Middle School
>Equality Celebration
>6:00- 8:00 pm
>We encourage you to bring family and friends as our students are looking
>forward to sharing their hard work with the Milton community!
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original message.
RE: Struggle for Equality
What is this? Is this a play or a chorus? Equality for whom? Aren't we all
equal and given the same opportunities?
Duane Austin
Production Manager
(802) 316-1591 (cell)
(800) 628- 9938 (fax)
-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Smith []
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 8:49 PM
Cc: Tony Burton; Francine Lemnah; Joshua Roof; Janet Smith;
Subject: Struggle for Equality
Please join us on Thursday, April 19th
as all 7th and 8th grade students
present a night of visual, media, and performance art.
Milton Middle School
Equality Celebration
6:00- 8:00 pm
We encourage you to bring family and friends as our students are looking
forward to sharing their hard work with the Milton community!
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original message.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Struggle for Equality
as all 7th and 8th grade students
present a night of visual, media, and performance art.
Milton Middle School
Equality Celebration
6:00- 8:00 pm
We encourage you to bring family and friends as our students are looking
forward to sharing their hard work with the Milton community!
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Monday, April 16, 2012
Task for April 16
7th Grade:
Checked off Friday's 2.4 pages28-30 A-E then assigned ACE(2.4) Pages 31-45
#16, 18-24, *41
8th Grade:
Checked off Friday's 2.3 page 23 A-D, then assigned ACE(2.3)pages 24-32
#9-13, 24-29
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I want to thank all of you who came out to the Fire Truck Pull this
weekend. It was a big success. We raised $2,100 and we had a lot of fun
in the process.
As of right now we are $4,700 short. We will have a better sense of how
much money is needed to be raised after all final payments have been
We will be doing at least three more fundraisers:
1) Thursday, April 19th - we will be having a bake sale for the Struggle
for Equality night. Please contact me if you are willing to send a bake
good with your student on that evening as all students are required to
participate in the event.
2) Friday, May 4th Middle School Dance
3) Saturday May 5th, there will be a car wash at Four Seasons.
There is also a possibility to have a bake sale this weekend at the
basketball tournament that will be taking place at the Elementary School
and High School. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, I need a
couple of parents to organize and facilitate this bake sale. Please
contact me if you are willing to do so.
If you have not paid in full, please do so by 4/19.
Joe Smith
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Social Studies: Report Card for 3rd Quarter
I wanted to write a quick note about the 3rd quarter report card for Social Studies. During 3rd quarter, the Social Studies department decided on three standards to assess (H&SS7-8:10, 15, and 17). We spent the majority of the quarter focusing on H&SS7-8:10 with our study of the events leading to the American Revolution and the war itself. There were a total of 5 assessments used for this standard. We then moved into the formation of government and the early struggles we experienced as a new country. This is where our student intern, Brady Murray, ran his unit. Due to the lateness in the quarter, we were only able to thoroughly cover the standard H&SS7-8:15 and barely touch upon standard H&SS7-8:17. In the report card, you will only see the two standards being reported on (H&SS7-8:10 and 15). We only had one assessment for the third standard which only covered two days of work. We did not think that this one assessment would be a fair to put on the report card as a true representation of your son/daughter's understanding of the standard. This standard does carry over into many aspects of the unit we are currently engaged in, "Struggles for Equality". Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
We are currently engaged in the unit on Struggles for Equality. This is taking a look at the various groups of people who have been part of our nation's history that have not had access to the rights guarenteed by our constitution. Slavery, civil rights movement, women's rights, Native American history, child labor all are topics included in this unit. The entire 7th and 8th grade are engaged in the same unit. We will hold a celebration of student work on the evening of Thursday, April 19th. This will allow students to show parents and community members the projects on this unit that they are currently working on. Your attendance would be greatly appreciated. Also, your help could be used with asking your son/daughter questions about what they are working on, adding information/discussion that you know on the topic, and most importantly helping your son/daughter meet the deadline for this project. Thank you.
Mr. Burton
Monday, April 9, 2012
Fire Truck Pull and Carnival
This Saturday, April 14th, is the Fire Truck Pull and Carnival will be
from 10:00 -2:00, at the Milton Middle School. There will be games,
cotton candy, and vendors. Please come out and support our students.
10:00 - 2:00 Carnival Games
Hole-in-One Golf
Knock the Bottles Over
10:30 Cup Cake Wars
There is a $5 entry fee
Win iTunes Gift Cards for Best Tasting, Best Decorated, and Best Overall
Make a dozen cup cakes and submit by 10:30, winners announced prior to the
Fire Truck Pull
Contest is open to all
Left over cupcakes will be sold to benefit the Boston trip.
11:00 Fire Truck Pull
Teams of 10 pull a Fire Truck 25 yards as fast as possible.
Each Team needs to raise $100 to enter
Top teams get a trophy and Subway Gift Certificates for 6" Subs
12:30 Pie in Face
1:00 Minute-to-Win-It Games
This is the last major fundraiser for Boston. This event has to be very
successful to insure that Boston happens. Please spread the word and
participate in any way that you can. We will also be doing a Car Wash on
May 5th.
Joe Smith
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Tasks April 2-6, 2012
For the remainder of the year I will not be posting the task for the week
at the beginning of the week. Instead I will post the daily task. In
general today's task is addressed in class the following day, therefore if
student's do not finish their task in class they are expected to complete
this to be prepared for the next day. I continue to sign planners on
Friday so check planner to see what work is missing. I encourage them to
use the weekend to complete missing work.
7th Grade:
April 2: ACE(1.4)P 12-23, #10, 12, 14, 27-29 *33
April 3: Additional Practice Worksheet for Investigation 1
8th Grade:
April 2: ACE(1.4) Pages 11-19, #25-30, 35-38, *50
April 3: Additional Practice Work Packet for Investigation 1
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