I want to thank everyone who came out and supported our students at the
spaghetti dinner and the played. We raised $932 for the trip to Boston
meaning we have less the $5,000 to raise.
I also want to inform you that our Little Caesar Pizza, Pizza Fundraiser
is underway. Yesterday students received the order forms in advisory.
They are due back to their advisory teacher on March 13. Pizza kits
needs to be picked up at the school on Thursday March 22. More
information will follow about the pick-up.
People can order online at www.pizzakit.com At checkout, they will be
prompted to put in our fundraiser info:
Group ID: 87681
Fundraiser ID: 242788
Name of Organization: Milton Middle School
As incentives we are offering the following:
-3 top sellers in the school will receive two 2-for-1 passes to the Pump
House at Jay Peak.
-Anyone who can sell $400 worth of product will have met the fundraising
-If everyone in an advisory participates in the fundraiser, that advisory
will receive a pizza party.
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